For over 30 years, Westerly has developed the whole child through a challenging and stimulating program in an inclusive and diverse community. We can’t wait to celebrate with you at the long-standing Annual Auction and Dinner Dance!
What is the Auction?
Aside from being a fun party with dinner, drinks and dancing, an important element is our live and silent auction featuring an array of items ranging from sporting events tickets, concert tickets, restaurant gift cards, unique professional services, electronics, unforgettable getaways, gourmet dinner parties, and once in a lifetime experiences. These items are donated by Westerly families, friends, and many local businesses.
Why does Westerly hold an annual auction?
Westerly was founded upon the belief that every family in our community should have the option of an independent school education for their children. Yet our tuition dollars do not cover the full cost of educating our children at Westerly. The school depends on the money raised during the Annual Fund and at the annual auction for a significant portion of its operating budget.
How can you support the auction?
In order to continue the important work of cultivating graduates who are leaders, helpers and creators, Westerly relies on the support of those who believe in and witness the benefits of the unique educational environment we offer.. The current and alumni families, their friends, and the greater Long Beach community (and beyond!) support and contributions ensure that the results from this fun auction bridges the gap between tuition and the budget.
To reach our goals we hope you will consider one or more of the following:
- Sponsor a table, teacher ticket, entertainment, and other categories
- Advertise or Underwrite
- Donate or solicit auction items
- Attend the event
- Sign up to bid on items
While the development office oversees the event, it cannot be done without a dedicated committee of parent volunteers.
The positions on the committee range from chair positions to supporting roles within a particular sub-committee. There is a sub-committee for every area of interest and expertise- it's a great way to get involved, meet other parents, and see this event from beginning to end. If you don’t have the time to be on the committee, you can also volunteer your time the week leading up to the event, or the day of or prior to the event (set-up, decor, attendee check-in, check out, clean up- any time you can spare is needed and appreciated!)
If you’re interested in learning more or joining the committee, email Crystal Garcia, Auction Event Producer at